The Mousetrap

Long-running play by Agatha Christie. 

World premiere: Theatre Royal Nottingham, 6 October 1952 (directed by Peter Cotes)

London run: 25 November 1952 at the Ambassadors Theatre (to Saturday 23 March 1974)
The show then moved next-door to the larger St Martins Theatre, where the run continued 2 days later, from Monday 25 March 1974, where it is still running today, making it by far the longest-running theatrical event anywhere in the world.

The show’s run paused in March 2020 due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, but socially-distanced performances resumed 23 October 2020, then paused again until 21 May 2021 . 

A long run at the Toronto Truck Theatre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada opened on 19 August 1977 and closed on 18 January 2004 (26 years and over 9000 performances).

Original lighting design: Michael Northen
Original set design: Anthony Holland
Linking music by Monia Liter and his Orchestra

Related Equipment:

Quartet (1990)


Mousetraps Record Run (September 1957)
[External Website]
From BBC Rewind

Journal Entries

Of Mice and Men (1972)