> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > AVAB Viking

AVAB Viking  (1982)

96-960 way control
Red LED displays on the desk and illuminated level-indicating wheels.
Includes speech synthesiser.
Over 60 were manufactured. 
In March 1989, Viking2 was released, including a new Screen Editor function. 

From 1988 AVAB Company Profile:
The AVAB Viking is the world's most advanced lighting control system. The system controls up to 960 channels plus high precision motorized lanterns and color changers. Installed in some fo the most prestigious theatres in the world:

In 1989, two systems were installed in the UK by CCT:

Super Viking VLC
From Richard Pilbrow: Stage Lighting Design: The Art, The Craft, The Life
"This high-end  (up to 4,096 channels) modular multitask system allows, for example, remote focusing concurrently with cue operation. The board can simultaneously execute fades within fades, move remote-control instruments and color changers, even control mechanized scenery and issue verbal cues to spot operators! Utilizing Graphic User Interface (GUI) and multiple-monitor (up to eight) technology for control and display, it offers an intuitive and efficient interface for control of dimmers, automated fixtures and scrollers using drag-and-drop methods. Editing features allow the import or export of complete shows, individual cues, effects, channel groups and levels. A hand-held infrared control allows remote operation of any control from anywhere in the theatre. Viking employs 'fields' to create lighting presets, which may be balanced on multiple mixer wheels. Any crossfade may contain up to 32 separate moving parts with separate delay and fade times. Viking utilizes high-quality wheels as faders with adjacent LED displays of direction and rate of change. Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) is available for multiple consoles and workstations."

See also:


Avab Viking Brochure (1984)
From Bob Anderson Collection

LSI: Guide to Memory Desks (May 1986)
[1.91Mb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

AVAB Company Profile (September 1988)
[895kb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

AVAB Viking Specifications (September 1988)
[1.03Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

AVAB Viking 2 User Manual (1989)
[24.74Mb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

Reverse Polish Notation (1989)
[450kb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

AVAB Viking2 (March 1989)
[399kb PDF]
From Bob Anderson Collection

CCT Price List - page 5 (December 1990)
From Jim Laws Collection

LSI: Classic Gear - Avab Viking (December 2019)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

Catalogue & Journal Entries for AVAB Viking in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Advert: Avab Viking (1983)

Back to Control - Memory (AVAB)