> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Xtylos

Xtylos  (2019)
Clay Paky

Clay Paky Xtylos

Moving head with laser light source
First used in the UK at the Royal Albert Hall Classical Spectacular, December 2019

From the Clay Paky website, December 2019:
The Xtylos is a compact beam moving light with unique optical and chromatic characteristics, making use of a tailor-made laser source (Patent Application filed). This laser source, lasting for 10,000 hours, is enclosed in a reliable, safe and fully sealed module and it is the powerful engine of an incredible array of colors.
The beam aperture can be steered in the range 1°-7° and it can be decreased further to 0.5°. The Xtylos uses laser technology with RGB additive color mixing. In contrast to the subtractive mixing used with discharge lamps, colored light beams are as bright as a white light beam! The range of effects features two gobo wheels - with 7 rotating gobos and 12 fixed gobos (including 7 beam diameter reducers) - a wheel with 3 prisms, and a sixteen facet prism on a dedicated channel which can be overlapped with the prism wheel.
The Xtylos is definitely the most dynamic light on the market. It is the first moving head light with a laser light source, and this opens up new, surprising prospects for the development of the entire entertainment lighting world.

RISK GROUP 3 - Warning: possibly hazardous optical radiation emitted from this product.
Do not look at operating lamp source. Eye injury may result.
EN/IEC 62471 - Hazard distance: refer to the manual
CLASS 1 laser product: EN/IEC 60825-1 2014


LSI: On Test: Claypaky Xtylos (October 2020)
[External Website]
From Lighting & Sound International

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