> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > CD80 Supervisor

CD80 Supervisor  Strand

Modular Dimmer Rack System

See also:


CD80 Supervisor 24 Module Rack Specification 
[165kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 Supervisor 48 Module Rack Specification 
[168kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 Supervisor Conversion Specification 
[116kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 Supervisor Rolling Rack Specification 
[158kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 Supervisor Datasheet (November 1994)
[1.88Mb PDF]
From David Bertenshaw Collection

CD80 Supervisor Conversion Kit Datasheet (November 1995)
[43kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 Supervisor User Manual (January 1996)
[3Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Software: Reporter PC user manual (October 1996)
[377kb PDF]

CD80 Supervisor Datasheet (1998)
[171kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

2000 Product Guide - page 12 (2000)
From Strand Archive

CD80 SV Menu Flow Chart (February 2001)
Dimmer Curve, Dimmer Response, Event Report menus
[95kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 SV Menu Flow Chart (February 2001)
Main Menu
[72kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 SV Menu Flow Chart (February 2001)
Mux Input menu, Patching menu
[79kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 SV Menu Flow Chart (February 2001)
Outlook menu, SWC menu
[79kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

CD80 SV Menu Flow Chart (February 2001)
Rack config calibration menus
[121kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for CD80 Supervisor in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Advanced Dimming for Boston Ballet (1996)

Down South (1996)

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