David Bertenshaw Collection

Documents courtesy of Strand engineer David Bertenshaw


DDM 2C at Braunschweig, with accompanying desks
DDM 2C at Braunschweig, with accompanying desks
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[2.66Mb JPEG]
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DDM Channel Selection and Main Desk
DDM Channel Selection and Main Desk
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[2.63Mb JPEG]
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DDM Computer Cabinet
DDM Computer Cabinet
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[2.02Mb JPEG]
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DDM Floppy Drive and Archive Storage with extended keyboard
DDM Floppy Drive and Archive Storage with extended keyboard
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[822kb JPEG]
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DDM System at Koln Schauspielhaus
DDM System at Koln Schauspielhaus
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.89Mb JPEG]
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Drury Lane Alternate Scheme - Bentham (1940s?) 
[2.1Mb PDF]
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Drury Lane Proposed Stage Lighting Scheme (1940s?) 
[4.04Mb PDF]
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Duet - Program Description 
[12.32Mb PDF]
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Duet Setup Notes 
[1.81Mb PDF]
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Gemini 2+ Features 
[180kb PDF]
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Micro 8
Micro 8
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[599kb JPEG]
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[1.37Mb JPEG]
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Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.1Mb JPEG]
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Patt.243TV Pole Operation
Patt.243TV Pole Operation
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[862kb JPEG]
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Perma 12
Perma 12
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[562kb JPEG]
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Perma 12 Interior
Perma 12 Interior
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[630kb JPEG]
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System DDM 2B at Koln Schauspielhaus
System DDM 2B at Koln Schauspielhaus
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.92Mb JPEG]
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[Venue Info]
System DDM 2C - Braunschweiger Staatstheater
System DDM 2C - Braunschweiger Staatstheater
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[1.41Mb JPEG]
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System DDM Master Desk
System DDM Master Desk
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[624kb JPEG]
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System MMS - Boblingen Installation
System MMS - Boblingen Installation
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[432kb JPEG]
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System MMS - Boblingen Installation
System MMS - Boblingen Installation
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[797kb JPEG]

System PR/LM (1950s) 
[290kb PDF]
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Architecture Cutting  (1922)
[408kb PDF]
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Electrical Stage Lighting  (1937)
[External Website]

Drury Lane Light Console Proposal - Fred Bentham  (November 1943)
[302kb PDF]
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Drury Lane Light Console Quote  (July 1948)
[95kb PDF]
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Letter to Fred Bentham - Drury Lane Console  (October 1948)
[80kb PDF]
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Drury Lane Light Console Specification  (November 1948)
[270kb PDF]
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Hessenbruch Catalogue  (1950)
[15.74Mb PDF]
Strand Electric Palladium Lighting Layout
Strand Electric Palladium Lighting Layout (1950)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[3.87Mb JPEG]
[Venue Info]

Strand Electric quote for Grand Master vs Electronic at St Martins  (February 1952)
[1.2Mb PDF]
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Strand Electric quote for System CD for Sadlers Wells  (July 1956)
[400kb PDF]
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Hessenbruch Catalogue  (1958)
[18.16Mb PDF]

Letter from Fred Bentham about System CD for Adelphi for Blitz  (February 1962)
[472kb PDF]
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[Show Info]
[Person Info]
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System CRD / C/AE Description  (1963)
[6.01Mb PDF]
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Covent Garden Report by Fred Bentham  (1964)
[2.22Mb PDF]
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[Venue Info]

C/AE4 Technical Manual - Covent Garden  (July 1964)
[7.32Mb PDF]
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Strand Electric Hessenbruch Brochure  (September 1966)
[29.45Mb PDF]

Strand Electric Hessenbruch Price List  (October 1966)
[12.6Mb PDF]

PDP11 Handbook  (1971)
[10.41Mb PDF]
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DDM2 Drawing Set  (1972)
[19.31Mb PDF]
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MSR Operators Handbook  (July 1972)
[4.53Mb PDF]
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MMS Maintenance Handbook  (1973)
[External Website]
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DDM Operators Handbook  (April 1973)
[9.76Mb PDF]
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Compact Maintenance Handbook  (1976)
[38.38Mb PDF]
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Memo-Q Console at Fords Theatre
Memo-Q Console at Fords Theatre (1977)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[620kb JPEG]
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Memo-Q Fader Wing at Fords Theatre
Memo-Q Fader Wing at Fords Theatre (1977)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[818kb JPEG]
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[Venue Info]

Duet Maintenance - Circuit Descriptions  (March 1978)
[19.11Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Front Panel  (May 1978)
[650kb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - LED Mimic  (May 1978)
[4.56Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - VDU Wiring  (May 1978)
[623kb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Motherboard  (May 1978)
[4.16Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Interface Cards  (June 1978)
[8.27Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Pin Patch  (August 1978)
[2.28Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Cables  (1979)
[4.6Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Fader Wing Wiring  (January 1979)
[5.34Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Floppy Disc  (February 1979)
[2.86Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Block Schematic  (April 1979)
[723kb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Submaster Panel  (May 1979)
[3.08Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Connection Cable  (June 1979)
[1.47Mb PDF]
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Galaxy (1980)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[554kb JPEG]
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Galaxy (1980)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[557kb JPEG]
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Galaxy - reverse
Galaxy - reverse (1980)
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[220kb JPEG]

MCM Technical Handbook  (July 1981)
NB: Large PDF FIle
[112.97Mb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Effects Panel  (August 1981)
[2.52Mb PDF]
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Patt.23 Postal Stamp First Day Cover  (April 1982)
[249kb PDF]
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Duet Maintenance - Memory Test (German)  (March 1983)
[2.26Mb PDF]
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M24 Maintenance Handbook  (August 1983)
[8.52Mb PDF]
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M24 Operator Handbook  (1984)
[15.7Mb PDF]
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Designers Control Maintenance Handbook (rev4)  (1987)
[19.35Mb PDF]
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Galaxy 3 Studio  (1988)
[7.21Mb PDF]
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Light Palette 90 Datasheet  (September 1991)
[3.41Mb PDF]
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Mini Light Palette 90 Datasheet  (April 1992)
[2.64Mb PDF]
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LD90 Datasheet  (1993)
[3.07Mb PDF]
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CD80 Supervisor Datasheet  (November 1994)
[1.88Mb PDF]
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LBX + Genius Datasheet  (November 1994)
[1.83Mb PDF]
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60A Connector  (2003)
[131kb PDF]
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Self-Release or Grand Master Stage Switchboards  (November 2007)
[81kb PDF]
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[Person Info]

R&V Closure Message  (October 2012)
[179kb PDF]

Zip Archive of Printed Circuit Diagrams (Large Download)  (July 2020)
[300Mb Zip File]
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Zip Archive of Wiring Diagrams (Large Download)  (July 2020)
[195Mb Zip File]
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TCS Interconnection Diagram  (September 2020)
[312kb PDF]
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The Workings of Lightboard  (October 2020)
[1.01Mb PDF]
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Strand Electric - Hessenbruch GmbH, the early days of Strand Electric in Germany  (November 2020)
[1.83Mb PDF]

On Inertia - A History of Tracking vs Presetting in Lighting Controls  (February 2021)
[1.17Mb PDF]

A Description of the Strand Riggers Control by David Bertenshaw  (August 2021)
[698kb PDF]
[More about this]

David Bertenshaw: Schwabe-Hasait Cyclorama Lighting: A British failure but a window on a revolution in stagecraft  (June 2023)
[External Website]
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[Person Info]

Figshare - Galaxy Data  (November 2023)
[External Website]
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ABTT Sightline: Schwabe-Hasait Cyclorama Lighting   (December 2023)
[708kb PDF]
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[Person Info]

The Rise and Fall of the Electronic: Strand Electrics Thyratron-based Stage Lighting Dimmer  (April 2024)
[External Website]
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[Person Info]

Catalogues / Price Lists / Journals

Schwabe: Modern Stage Lighting
[1921, 120 pages]

Reiche & Vogel Catalogue (approx date)
[1960, 129 pages]