> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > MCM (Modular Crate Mounted)

MCM (Modular Crate Mounted)  (1978)

30 x 20A or 60 x 10A Thyristor Dimmers
Full height free-standing rack houses 5 crates each housing 6 x 20A, or 12 x 10A, or 3 x 45A plug-in dimmer modules. Alternative low rack houses any 3 crates. 10A dimmers are in twin modules and 45A rating are double-width modules. MCM provides a wide choice of plug-in trigger cards either closed or open loop with square or 'S' law response; also filtering to theatre or broadcast studio standards. All modular components quantity produced for assembly to suit each specific installation.


MCM Datasheet 
[568kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

MCM Datasheet 
[566kb PDF]
From Strand Archive
Photo: MCM 5kW Dimmer Module
Photo: MCM 5kW Dimmer Module 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[185kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive
Photo: MCM 5kW Dimmer Module
Photo: MCM 5kW Dimmer Module 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[268kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive
Photo: MCM 5kW Dimmer Module
Photo: MCM 5kW Dimmer Module 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[229kb  JPEG]
From Strand Archive
Photo: MCM Dimmer Module
Photo: MCM Dimmer Module 
Click on thumbnail to enlarge
[450kb  JPEG]
From Frederick Brown Collection

1980 Stage Lighting - page 2 (February 1980)
From Roger Fox Collection

MCM Datasheet (September 1980)
[4.2Mb PDF]
From Strand Archive

MCM Technical Handbook (July 1981)
NB: Large PDF FIle
[112.97Mb PDF]
From David Bertenshaw Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for MCM (Modular Crate Mounted) in the Backstage Heritage Collection

New from Rank Strand (1978)

Lighting Control in Germany (1978)

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