> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Alphapack

Alphapack  Zero 88

The Zero 88 Alphapack is a 3 channel power controller capable of driving up to 6.3 amps of lighting control per channel.

It is a portable unit which can also be safely secured to a stand or wall using the optional mounting bracket. It has 3 faders for local control, or it can be controlled remotely as part of a larger lighting system. A unique safety system and overload protection circuit means that the Alphapack provides a very safe and reliable solution to small dimming applications.

Please note Alphapack 1 channel fuses are 5x20mm HRC ceramic 6.3A fast acting fuses, not 32mm as quoted in the datasheet.

See also:


Alphapack 1 Manual 
[49kb PDF]

Alphapack 1 Specification 
[173kb PDF]

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