> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Sirius

Sirius  (1988 - 2000)
Zero 88

Sirius 24

24 or 48 way analogue control desk
Sirius 24 was launched to the world in February 1988
Sirius 48 was launced at the ABTT show in June 1989. 
The first Sirius 48 sale was announced in Lighting & Sound International Issue 43 (July 1989) and went to St Georges Theatre in Luton, via Trafalgar Lighting.

See also:


Sirius 24 Specifications 
[1Mb PDF]

Sirius 48 Specifications 
[988kb PDF]

Sirius Manual (June 1988)
[2.21Mb PDF]

CCT Price List - page 5 (December 1990)
From Jim Laws Collection

Sirius DMX Output Kit instructions (1998)
[787kb PDF]

Sirius Manual edition 3 (May 1999)
[477kb PDF]

Classic Gear - Zero 88 Sirius 24 (June 2007)
[6.9Mb PDF]
From Lighting & Sound International

Exhibits in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Foyer - Sirius 24  
From AED Collection

Sirius 24  (1988)
Zero88's Sirius console arguably did more to democratize memory lighting control than any other product, making it affordable enough for schools and other small venues that until then relied on manual preset desks. 
From Historic Stage Lighting Collection

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Sirius in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Sweet 16 - Zero 88 celebrates its 16th birthday far away from the attic days of its youth (1989)

Back to Control - Memory (Zero 88)