Equipment Category

Control - Manual - Strand

View in Date Order (dated items only)
100 Plus Series Console  (2010)
12 channel, 2 preset with hold function, effects, split crossfaders with time fade.
100 Series Manual Control Desk  (2002 - 2010)
Act control desk
6 channel (single preset) & 12,18,24 way 2 preset control
AMC Advanced Manual Control Desk  (1977 - 1984)
20,30,40-120 max channels 3 presets, 9 groups
First console to perform a dipless crossfade
C / System C  (1956)
Similar to CD, but for more than 160 circuits.
C-AE - System C-AE  (1964)
AE stands for All-Electric.
CD / System CD  (1956)
Electro-mechanical remote control (120 channel)
Celebrity  (1985 (tbc))
Electrocontrols desk acquired by Strand following the takeover of the company.
Chromolux (v2)  (1953 - )
Provides a range of preset colours by mixing either the three primary or secondary colours.

Controls remote automatic dimmers via a low voltage control cable. 
CRD / System CRD  (1963)
All-electric preset remote control (60,90,120,180,210 or 240 dimmers)
Discodesk  (1974?)
Discoplus  (1976)
6 or 18 channel kinetic desk
Glyndebourne Control Desk
Custom-built for Glyndebourne, sold as System CRD
JP Series  (1965 - 1975)
20/40/60 channels
LC / System LC  (1961)
All electric remote control with one preset (48, 72 or 96 dimmers)
Light Console  (1935 - 1955)
Revolutionary lighting control, based on a Compton organ console, giving the operator a view of the stage for the first time. 
Lightset  (1973 - 1974)
LP / System LP (Luminous Preset)  (1966)
& Lightset
LX  (1991)
12,18,24 channels, 2 preset. 
6 channel control desk for Act 6 desks
Magnetic Clutches with Manual Drive  (1930)
Micro 8 / Micro8II  (1976)
Mini 2 Control Desk  (1971)
Compact control desk for 36, 30, 24, 18, 12 or 6 channels.
Mini T Control Desk  (1970)
PR / System PR  (1955)
Electro-mechanical remote control with two presets
Remote Control – Electronic (Thyratron)  (1949 - 1956)
Sixer  (2011)
6-way console with Grand Master.
SP Series  (1966 - 1979)
20,30,40 channel 2-preset in table / wall-mount desk.
40,60,80 channel 3-preset in seated desk.
SR / System SR  (1953 - )
All electric remote control (8, 18, 24, 36 or 54 dimmers)
Tempus / Tempus 2G  (1980)

6,12,18,24,30,36 channels

Threeset  (1971)
Three presets for 60, 80, 100 or 120 dimmers
