> Backstage Heritage Collection > Equipment > Harmony

Harmony  (1981 - 1988)

Harmony Range

1000W Range (GX9.5, T/19 lamp)

Harmony 12
11.5° max.
Introduced 1981, replaced 1988 by Cantata 11/26

Harmony 22
22° max
Introduced 1981, replaced 1988 by Cantata 11/26

Harmony 22/40
Introduced 1981, replaced 1988 by Cantata 26/44

Harmony 15/28
Introduced 1981, replaced 1988 by Cantata 18/32

Harmony F
7.5° - 65° beam angle
Introduced 1981, replaced 1988 by Cantata F

Harmony PC
3.5° - 65° beam angle
Introduced 1981, replaced 1988 by Cantata PC

All of the lanterns in the Harmony series have a fully integrated housing of finned, extruded sides and interlocking pressure die-castings including internal colour runners. Rear grab handle is fitted as standard. The alloy fork is adjustable in height and also adjustable throughout the whole length.

The Harmony series embody new safety features but in a way that these do not inhibit practicability. These include a power connector which automatically separates when the rear-hinged, full width internal access is opened, a safety bond anchorage on the housing, sprung safety clips over both the colour frame and the gate runners, and an integral 25mm mesh lens guard.

1982 Upgrades
Optical improvements were made to this range in 1982. These improved beam distribution quality both at peaky and flat field settings. In general terms the half peak angle is greater and the peak value is reduced, resulting in a much cleaner beam.

What are the differences?
On the Harmony 12, 22 and 15/28, a new reflector with annular rings was mounted from the rear casting (originally a different reflector was mounted from the front). On the Harmony 22/40 it is more difficult to identify visually because a different reflector with a special surface texture over part was mounted from the front.

Colour filter size: 185mm square

See also:


Harmony 12 Datasheet (September 1981)
[531kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony 12 Spares List (September 1981)
[922kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony 15/28 & 22/40 Instructions (September 1981)
[682kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Harmony 15/28 Datasheet (September 1981)
[447kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony 15/28 Spare Parts List (September 1981)
[163kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony 22 Datasheet (September 1981)
[548kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony 22 Spares (September 1981)
[198kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony 22/40 Datasheet (September 1981)
[1.1Mb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony 22/40 Spares (September 1981)
[182kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony Fresnel Datasheet (September 1981)
[998kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Harmony Fresnel Spares (September 1981)
[148kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony PC Datasheet (September 1981)
[998kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Harmony PC Spares (September 1981)
[144kb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

The Grand Symphony In Light (September 1981)
[1.2Mb PDF]
From Mervyn Gould Collection

Harmony Summer Special Offers Price List (August 1986)
[177kb PDF]
From Strand Archive

Catalogue & Journal Entries for Harmony in the Backstage Heritage Collection

Harmony Observed (1982)

Back to Lanterns (Named) (Strand)