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1210 (2011)Twelve 10A dimmer or relay switched channels in a 4U high 19 inch rack module.
250ML (2013)250 channels and 30 moving lights & LEDs
3 Pack (2006)3 way dimmer pack
300 Series (1998)Manual / Memory Desk (48/96, 125/250 channels) with Genius Pro software
430 (1994 November)Uses Genius Pro operating software. 30 submasters.
500ML (2015)Moving light console
520 / 520i (1997)Portable desks with Genius operating system
530 / 550 (1995)Genius Pro operating software
6 Pack (2006)4U high, 19 inch digital dimmer pack.
A21120V Dimmer Cabinet range
Accent (2008 - )DMX Preset control stations
Act 2 (1983 - ?)2 channel lighting control / dimmer
Act 3 (1987 - 1994)3 channel dimmer rack (3 x 20A dimmer)
Act 6 (1984 - 1994)6 channel dimmer rack (6 x 10A dimmer)
Act 6+ (1994 - ?)6 channel dimmer rack (6 x 10A dimmer)
AltairHMI / CID 1200W / 2500W Spotlight
Alto (1994)Fresnel, PC and profile spotlights 2000 & 2500W
Andi (1990s)German Modular Dimmer System
Baby Flood (1945)A single compartment of S type batten
BambinoRange of 300W - 10kW Fresnel Spotlights
Brio (1996 - ?)18/30 & 25/50 Zoom 'Coolbeam' Profile Spotlights 600W
C / System C (1956)Similar to CD, but for more than 160 circuits.
C21Modular dimmer system
Cantata (1987 - ?)UK: 1200W Range
USA: 1000W Range
Cantata LED Fresnel (2020)Three color temperature options for this high output LED Fresnel.
FC - Full Color
TCW - Tunable Cold White
TWW - Tunable Warm White
Castor1250/2000/2500W Fresnel Spotlight
Celebrity (1985 (tbc))Electrocontrols desk acquired by Strand following the takeover of the company.
Chromolux (v2) (1953 - )Provides a range of preset colours by mixing either the three primary or secondary colours.
Controls remote automatic dimmers via a low voltage control cable.
Coda (1983 - )500W Cyc Flood
Coda II (2008 - ?2014)500W Cyc Flood
Compact (CMS) (1975 - 1978)Self-contained memory control for up to 120 channels (originally 80 channels)
CRD / System CRD (1963)All-electric preset remote control (60,90,120,180,210 or 240 dimmers)
Dig 6 (1998?)6 channel digital dimmer
Draco (1993 - )20kW Tungsten Halogen
EC21 (2005)Installation dimmer rack
EC90 (1990 - ?)Modular digital dimmer with reporter
ET1500Outdoor tungsten-iodine flood - 750W or 1500W
Galaxy (1980 - 1996)96, 144, 190, 240... 768 channels
Galaxy 2 (1984)768 channels - 3 individual systems (Arena, Studio & Premier)
Gemini (1983)180 channels. Replaced the Duet in the range.
Gemini 2+ (1989 September - 1995)340 channels, dual colour video displays, increased system memory.
GSX (1993)25, 50, 75, 100, 125 channels using Genius software
Harmony (1981 - 1988)1000W Range (GX9.5, T/19 lamp)
HiliteMetal Halide architectural luminaires. Fresnel and Profile available.
Hyperbeam (1995 - ?)Hyperbeam 1200 / Hyperbeam 1288 - Automated Spotlight
IDM (1965 December)First fully working lighting control system with Instant Dimmer Memory.
Impact (1987 - )350 control channels with proportional patching to 960 dimmers
JTM (1965 - 1975)Inexpensive variable-load dimmers housed in compact 20-channel or 10-channel racks.
KTV / System KTV (1959 April)First dimmer system with fully automatic plotting of lighting & switchboard controls.
LBX (1994)25, 50, 75, 100, 125 channels, memory and manual. Genius operating system.
LC / System LC (1961)All electric remote control with one preset (48, 72 or 96 dimmers)
LD90 (1993 - ?)Digital Dimming
Light Console (1935 - 1955)Revolutionary lighting control, based on a Compton organ console, giving the operator a view of the stage for the first time.
Lightboard M (1986 - 1996)96 channels with 24 or 48 submasters, or 144 channels with 24 submasters with channel faders.
Liquid Dimmers (1915 - 1945)Glazed earthenware jars, complete with fixed & moving lead cones.
LX (1991)12,18,24 channels, 2 preset.
LX66 channel control desk for Act 6 desks
Memocard (1971?)Punched card memory system
Mini-FloodlightMiniature cyclorama-style floodlight. Uses 150W T3 Q/CL lamp.
Mini-Fresnel (1974?)12V 100W with integral (or external) transformer.
Mini-Profile (1974?)12V 100W with integral (or external) transformer.
Mini-PunchliteMiniature version of Strand's Punchlite designed for use with a 50W 12V dichroic tungsten halogen lamp, and suitable for use with Strand Architectural Dimmers.
Minim (1981-1997)300W Fresnel, PC, Profile display spotlights
Mizar (1982 - 1999)250-500W Fresnel Spotlight
MMS (1973 - 1980)Modular Memory System with 80, 120, 240, 360, 480 channels.
Multimux 48Interface between analogue dimmers and DMX512 or D54
Multiplex F + D InterfaceConverts D54 and analogue control input to analogue control output on either 8 pin bleecon or D connector.
MX (1990)12,24,48 channels, 2 presets.
Octet (1978 September)Sucessor to the Duet
"the high channel capacity memory lighting control with multiple sub-masters"
OrionGroundrow floods for TV cycloramas (625W, 1000W, 1250W lamps)
Outlook3, 6, 9 or 12 channels, 8 preset
Palette Range (2007)Using PaletteOS Windows XP Embedded operating system, written by Horizon Controls.
PALS (1987 - ?)Precision Automated Lighting System
PAR (1998 - )Quartzcolor range 200W - 6kW
ParkNetLarge-scale applications with ShowNet
Perma 12 (1977)Wall-mounting 12 thyristor dimmer rack.
Permus (1982 - ?)Developed from Tempus dimmers
Permus Demultiplex Unit24 channel chassis-mounted interface unit for installation using multiplexed controls and Permus dimmers.
PinzaClamp light. 500W ES lampholder.
PIP (1986)Plug-In Professional Dimmer Modules
PR / System PR (1955)Electro-mechanical remote control with two presets
Prelude (1981 - 1998)650W Range introduced in 1981
Pro Palette (1988 July - 1990 September)US Market - designed as a direct replacement for Light Palette V6E (black & white version)
ProPack (2008)High density high power dimming in a 2U rack mount package
PTM (1968?)Plug-in dimmer modules and associated racks
PulsarMini Redhead, 650W 240V or 250W 30V
RelayRack (2014)12 channel 10 Amp Relay Panel
ReporterlightDaylight battery-powered handheld lamp, made by Kobold
SD/WH (1959 April)The first 220/240V SCR dimmer
Sea Wave EffectColloquially known as the Up & Down Sea Wave Effect, this is more formally known as 'Box Type Sea Wave, with reciprocating action'
Shownet (1997?)Ethernet nodes for 500 series console with Networker software installed.
Sixer (2011)6-way console with Grand Master.
SL Profile (1999)575W/600W, Axial Coolbeam Spotlight
SLD Dimmers (2000)Dimmer rack for 24 or 48 dual dimmer modules.
SMX (1989)Strand Multiplex
Solo (1985 - 1997)Followspot - 2000W (Halogen) or 1000W (CSI/CID)
Sound Console (1958)From the Stagesound Audio Reproduction Equipment Range
SP Series (1966 - 1979)20,30,40 channel 2-preset in table / wall-mount desk.
40,60,80 channel 3-preset in seated desk.
SR / System SR (1953 - )All electric remote control (8, 18, 24, 36 or 54 dimmers)
STM (1975)Successor to the JTM
Studio (1999 - )Tungsten Fresnels
Supernova2500W/1200W & 4000W/2500W Daylight Fresnels
System 6 (1994)Compact wall-mounted dimmer cabinet: 6 x 15A or 6 x 20A dimmers
Tempus (1980)Portable dimmer packs
Tempus M24 (1983 - 1993)First batch-manufactured memory control, 72-120 channels.
Threeset (1971)Three presets for 60, 80, 100 or 120 dimmers
TM (1965?)
Torpedo Attack TrainerProduced during World War II using theatrical lighting and projection to simulate an attack from a submarine.
UnidimUniversal surface mounted Unit Dimmer for use with remote Manual type Control Stations.
Patt.12 (1961 - 1966)ADB Picture Spot with shutters and fixing plate
Patt.27 Float Spot (1925 - 1960)Miniature PC spot, designed for use in float position downstage
Patt.30 (1920 - 1968)Medium-Angle Batten Flood 500 Watt
Patt.32 (1922 - 1948)100 - 150W Baby Sunray Flod
Patt.33 (1925 - 1945)Optical Effect Lantern
Patt.34 (1924 - 1945)1000W Panorama Flood
Patt.35 (1928 - 1963)Arena Flood 1000 Watt
Patt.36 (1928 - 1935)1000W Acting Area Flood
Patt.38 (1928 - 1940)500 Watt General Outdoor Flood
Patt.41 (1952 - 1954)100W Miniature Display Spotlight
Patt.42 (1925 - 1957)Combined Spotting and Optical Effects Lantern
Patt.44 (1928 approx - 1952)500W Baby Spot
Patt.45 (1928 approx - 1978)250W Miniature Spot (later 500W)
Patt.47 (1945)500-1000W Square Outdoor Flood
Patt.48 (1930 - 1940)Outdoor Square Flood, 1000W
Patt.51 (1930-1960)1000W Optical Effects Projector
Patt.521000 Watt Optical Effects and Slide Projector
Patt.53 (1953 - )Prefocus Mirror Spotlight, 1000 Watt
Patt.60 (1945 - 1981)500W Flood
An evolved version of the Patt.30.
Patt.76Known as acting area floods (or A.A.s)
Patt.80 (1930s)Baby Pageant 12V 100W
Patt.83 (1948 - 1951)1000W F.O.H. Mirror Spot (skeleton type)
Patt.93 (1954)Long Range 1000W Spotlight
Patt.102 (1945 - )Soft Edge Spot (1 or 2kW)
Patt.152 (1959 - 1972)High intensity scene projector.
Patt.237 (1945 - 1957)Medium or wide angle flood - 60, 100 or 150 Watt
Patt.264 (1963-1976)Bifocal brother of Patt.263
Patt.502Outdoor Medium Beam Flood (1000 / 1500W)
Patt.537Outdoor Baby Flood (60,100,150 Watts)
Patt.558Narrow Angle Spotlight, 1000 Watt
Patt.560300/500W Outdoor Wide or Medium Beam Flood
Patt.833 (1978 - 1981)Fresnel spot (replacement for Patt.45)